Hello Dyan and Welcome,
After you write your manuscripts, do you find it necessary to do major editing or does the text come to you in well-developed, organized segments?
Hi Toby. These are great questions. Thank you for the interview. I find that most of what I write comes to me in organized segments. Sometimes I’m not sure which segment goes where; but then it all comes together at the end, like putting a puzzle together. When I’m done I do have everything edited thoroughly for punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure. When I wrote “Money and Manifesting,” I was told to write the characters first. So I did. Then I was told they would just interact and to my amazement they did. Then I was instructed as to where exactly to insert the fiction around the information. It really was an amazing process.
Would you consider your work automatic writing or inspired writing?
I’ve never looked at it quite as automatic writing. But everything I write is co-created. So yes, I would call it “inspired.”
In either case, to whom do you attribute your creativity? Angels as separate entities or your own higher self or some other intelligence?
The best way I can answer that is that I don’t believe in the illusion of separation. I am not God or angels; but I am part of that, just as the branches are part of the tree. Everything I’m doing I’m co-creating.
Your intuitive cooking idea intrigues me. Are you assembling responses from satisfied users? Does following this method result in slimming or regulating weight?
The intuitive cookbook was so much fun to put together. There are twelve channeled messages in the book. They are food related, such as “The Sweetness of Life” and “The Measure of Success” and “Ode to Popcorn.” And there are several “Intuitive Speaking” paragraphs which encourage the use of one’s own intuition in making the recipe. The book has several reviews, which are posted on my main website. Here is the link: https://www.voiceoftheangels.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_reviews&cPath=1&products_id=3&zenid=8622a7ceb60a857b6dc94f599eb24e3b
I do believe that intuitive cooking results in weight regulation. When you’re tuning into your body and feeding it what nourishes it on every level, your body is going to respond positively to that.
Thank you, Dyan, and best wishes with your books, your CDs, and all your efforts to bring new and better understandings to people.
Love and light,
Each person who posts a comment on any or all of the blog tour spots will be entered in a random drawing for a copy of Dyan Garris’ CD – Release. In addition – the blog owner that hosted the winning commenter will also win a free copy of Release. Share your thoughts and comments with Dyan. She will check in throughout the day to answer questions. You’ll learn more and you have a chance to win a CD.
For more information about Dyan Garris and her virtual tour, you can check the full schedule at http://virtualblogtour.blogspot.com/2008/04/dyan-garris-may-schedule.html and there are more details at http://virtualblogtour.blogspot.com/2008/04/dyan-garris-may-blog-tour.html.
Her website is full of great details about all of the items within her “toolbox” and there are many special features. She provides the tools you need to have a full and happy life – http://www.voiceoftheangels.com/ and it’s not as hard to achieve as you think. Visit Dyan’s Amazon profile for links to many of her products - http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/AYREZNHQDLRFM/.
Hi Toby: Just stopping by to let you and your readers know that I'll be checking back in case anyone has any questions. Thank you for having me here today and thank you for the wonderful interview!